A California family’s unwavering faith has been a beacon of hope amidst the devastating southern California wildfires. Peter Halpin, the family patriarch, shared with “Fox & Friends Weekend” the remarkable story of how a statue of the Virgin Mary remained untouched by the flames that destroyed their home of 37 years. “It was remarkable how everything had gotten fried, but the statue of The Virgin Mary and another statue of Saint Joseph were in perfect condition,” Halpin said. “Obviously, they were a little singed, but we just took that opportunity to pray.” The family, including Halpin’s wife Jackie and their six children, gathered at the site of their former home and sang a heartfelt song to the Virgin Mary, which has since gone viral on Instagram. However, Halpin emphasized that their intention was not to create a viral sensation, but rather a personal moment of faith and gratitude. “Our intention was not for this thing to go viral at all,” he said. “It was pretty much just a family thing, but the response from the community has been unbelievable and so heartfelt.” Jackie Halpin recalled falling to her knees in emotion when she saw a photo of the standing statue, taken by her son-in-law the day before their visit. She felt compelled to visit the site and pray, thanking God for the years they spent in their home. “That was my intention,” she said. “We’re going to pray. We’re going to thank God that we’re safe, and we have entertained a lot for years. We feel very strongly in the virtue of hospitality, so I just wanted to pray and say, ‘If we can do it again, that would be great.’” The Virgin Mary statue has become a symbol of hope and resilience for the Halpin family, who are now rebuilding their lives after the devastating wildfires.