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President Trump seems to be viewing the world with unproven unorthodox assumptions in asserting that“I will exit the Paris Agreement, I will take over Panama canal and Greenland”. I consider this a game of orchestrated optical illusion by developed countries that have plagued the world for centuries. Greenland is the largest non continental island third largest after Canada and north America. Although it has been geographically part of north America continent, it has been politically and culturally associated with Europe for about it millennium. Since 1721, Denmark has held colonies in Greenland but was officially made a part of Denmark in 1953. Greenland is generally a good place to live because of low crime but has cold harsh weather.The promise by Trump to claim this largest island is bound to result in international tension as Russia is keeping an eye on it too. On the other hand, the Panama canal is 82 kilometres waterways that connect the Caribbean sea and the Pacific Ocean. It is a conduit of trade that connects the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic ocean and a life saver for those travelling between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic ocean cutting off 8000 miles and 12,875 kilometres of maritime voyages and saving passengers and businesses countless hours of travel time. The canal was built in 1900 and the US exercised control until 1977 when President Carter ceded it to Panama. The canal is used mostly by the United States followed by China, Japan and Chile and North Korea. The interest of America in the canal is drawn from a long history of President Theodore Roosevelt long term United states goal of American and British leaders and businessmen to ship quickly and cheaply between the Pacific and the Atlantic ocean. The unlikely interference in the canal by the US will be resisted by countries like china and North Korea which will be another source of international tension between the US, China and North Korea. Additionally, The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international Treaty on climate change that entered into force since November 2016 and covered climate change, mitigation, adaptation and financing. The overarching goal is to hold global increase in temperature to well below 2▪︎c above pre industrial times and pursue efforts to limit temperatures to 1.5▪︎c. The main aim is to strengthen global response against climate change. The United states has succeeded in obtaining Newfoundland fishing rights, a western border that extends to Mississippi with right of navigation which the Spanish government will later resist. The Paris Agreement is different from the Kyoto Protocol which involved only developed countries. The Paris Agreement recognises that climate change is a shared problem that call on countries to set emission targets. President Trump since June 1 2017 made the decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement because of the unfair economic burden imposed on American workers, businesses and taxpayers by US pledges made under the Agreement. As at February 2023, 195 countries of UNFCCC are Parties to the Agreement. The US previously withdrew in 2020 but rejoined by 2021. The challenge for President Trump to take on these 3 international areas will be resisted because of its relevance to the survival of humanity and economic benefits to industrialized nations including answerebility and democratic politics will be at play here. The higher values seem lost on America as countries are bestowed with the power of purse and and climate control. The new world reality seems lost on most advanced economies that countries are not subjects but have a duty to protect their citizens from aggression and insist that the world behave better. (For more conversation follow me on Twitter X @iyamuclimatech1 and Instagram iyamuclimatechange).You can send your views to iyamukenneth65@gmail.com or WhatsApp message to 07057447442